Author Archives: Beau

The Toneshift Review of Slow Light

The inimitable Toneshift has reviewed the fantastic new cassette, Slow Light, by Tag Cloud.  The review is available here:

Here’s a sample from the review:
[Videll’s] is a sound enriched by undertones, by the flexing buzz that pinpoints its central nervous system, even though the attitude is quite cool, collected. Videll embellishes surfaces with bountiful slow-motion drama, fermented by the expert nimble ear of Mark Beazley on the mastering deck.

Thanks, Toneshift!

Slow Light – Reviewed!

In one of the more interesting reviews a Fuzzy Panda release has received, Yeah, I Know It Sucks wrote some poetry about Tag Cloud’s new cassette Slow Light:

Music surreal , vague and amazing
everything sounds hypnotic and pretty
once you know you don’t mind me praising
lovely strokable like a little kitty

Ambient music that flows in natural ways
from one world into another
no reason to go loopy and blaze
with music like this you shouldn’t bother

Experimental tones of pleasant material
gliding by like a trip for shrooms
eating with milk and some soggy cereal
into a wonderworld in which everything blooms

Slow Light is available here in download and cassette formats.



Slow Light

Tag Cloud is Chris Videll, who has distilled his decades of appreciation of ambient drone and experimental music to its most basic elements, and imbued with depth and emotion.  Slow Light is a moving collection of four pieces, encompassing synthesizer explorations, textured drones, and hidden melody.  It is Videll’s fifth release as part of his Tag Cloud project and Fuzzy Panda Recording Company’s first cassette release(!).



Space is the Place

April 12th is the 57th anniversary of the first manned flight into space. We’re paying tribute to humanity’s exploration of space with a compilation made entirely from radio emissions recorded by spacecraft and converted to audio.

Celebrate the International Day of Human Space Flight and Yuri’s Night and download the compilation at

This compilation features a wide array of compositions by Chester Hawkins, Arthur Loves Plastic, J. Surak, Michael Hendley, Love of Ruins, Fast Forty, Small Craft, Immanent Voiceless, BLK TAG, NarkotroniK, Inffinte Sstar Zzero, and PraxisCat.


Symmetry is one of those weird words that does not sound or look anything like what it describes.  And Mule Death’s debut release SYMMETRY is much the same – it feels symmetrical and technically is close to being symmetrical, but it isn’t.  It’s an intense synthesizer track that evolves and twists darkly and begins and ends almost the same way, but not as symmetrically as the title indicates.

Mark Sharpe, the musician behind Mule Death, hails from Portland, Oregon and we are damn delighted to release this album.


We have a brand new album out! It’s called DEATHLESS, by Small Craft.  It’s ambient drone and the CDs selling fast, which is weird, because it’s ambient drone.  Small Craft just played some shows in Seattle, Portland, Oakland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles in support of the album and will be playing shows around Washington, D.C. in the not-so-distant future.

Jeffrey Prosser

Jeffrey Prosser, a D.C. graphic designer and integral part of the Washington, D.C. experimental music scene as both musician and promoter, passed away on April 3, 2015. He was an exceedingly sweet and generous man with many friends across D.C.’s various music and arts scenes and beyond. Shortly after his death, two memorial concerts were organized in Adams Morgan and Fredericksburg, Virginia. Now, some of his musician friends have put together a compilation in his honor, titled Thirsty and Miserable, a phrase Jeffrey was particularly fond of.

The compilation features twenty-one artists (twenty-two for the downloadable version) who knew and loved Jeffrey, featuring both locals and musicians from farther afield. The artwork includes designs by Jeffrey, including art for flyers he designed to promote shows around the DC area.  Proceeds from sales of the compilation go to Bread for the City, a charity selected by the Prosser family.

Jeffrey released a pretty amazing EP under the moniker Keep through Fuzzy Panda as well as an individual track the first Hydrophones compilation.